Abstract Submission Guidelines
Submit THREE-Page Abstracts to the Paper Submission System at https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/APTA2024
Paper Review Committee Co-chair
Dr. SooCheong (Shawn) Jang (Purdue University, USA),
Dr. Myungkeun Song (Dong-A University, Korea)
(IMPORTANT: This submission website will be open on February 1, 2024)
Submission Guidelines
Authors must submit a three-page ABSTRACT for review. All submissions to the APTA 2024 Conference must be original work not yet submitted to any other publication prior to the conference. (Authors are free to publish submitted work after the conference.) Submissions must be written in English and prepared in MS Word (2007 or later). PDF files of abstracts or full paper will not be accepted. All submissions should be free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts (saved with MS WORD, Not PDF) must be THREE single-spaced pages long with the title of the paper centered at the top of the first page of each abstract. (Make sure No Author Names on the Abstract. Also, a cover page with the author’s information is NOT necessary. Authors will be asked to directly enter authors’ information on the submission website. Note that adding or deleting authors after the acceptance decision is not allowed.) Each abstract should include an introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, implications and/or conclusions, and a list of references. Note that references are not included in the three-page limit.
APTA also invites graduate students to submit in progress theses or dissertations. Selected graduate students will be given the opportunity to receive feedback from a panel of well-known scholars in HTM fields. More details about the Thesis-in-Progress session will be announced separately. Click here to visit call for abstract for TiP session.
Areas of Interests
Advanced Research in Tourism and Hospitality
Eco Tourism
Medical Tourism
Film and Drama Tourism
Tourism in ASEAN and GMS
Sustainable Tourism
Tourism Planning and Policy
Community Based Tourism
Service Quality Management
Supply Chain Management
Hotel Management
Restaurant Management and operations
Safety and Crisis Management
Information Technology
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Any other subject area related to Tourism, Leisure, or Hospitality Management
Final Abstract (Paper) Submission Guidelines
Final Submission
For final submission, all the authors MUST submit revised three-page abstracts after being notified of acceptance to the conference.
Authors who want to be considered for Best Paper Awards also submit full papers in addition to revised three-page abstracts. Best Paper Awards will be competitively selected by the Paper Review Committee. Full papers should be limited to twenty single-spaced pages (MS Word only) including references.
Final Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be distributed on Flash Drives without ISSN at the APTA conference. It is our principle that conference proceedings will include three-page abstracts only in order to avoid potential plagiarism issues since authors may publish the same or similar papers in other journals. However, it is still possible for authors to indicate on the submission website that they prefer to have their Full Papers included in the conference proceedings. In these cases, full papers will be included in the proceedings (However, please be aware of the potential for plagiarism issues).
Please make sure to follow the suggested template provided below.
[IMPORTANT] The best paper of the conference including those included in the shortlist will be invited to be published in the journal of Tourism Clitiques: Practice and Theory upon the agreement of author(s). For more information of the journal , please click the above link.
Template for Submission
For further information, please visit the Conference Website: https://www.apta2024.org/
or email the Chair of the Paper Review Committee, Dr. SooCheong (Shawn) Jang (jang12@purdue.edu) or Dr. Myungkeun Song (mkssong@dau.ac.kr).